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    Make Free Trials work for you

    We at GroSum are firm believers that “Using is Believing“.

    Thus, we always insist that our customers use our solutions and try out their specific use cases to figure out whether GroSum is exactly what they want.

    However, in many cases, we have seen customers not having a proper plan of using the product during the Free Trial period. This results in improper assessment and time wastage that does not fulfill the purpose of the program.

    Thus, we have compiled a list of best practices for prospects to make effective use of this very important leg of the decision making process.

    So, our first step is to identify whether you are READY for a Free Trial.

    Go for a Free Trial only when Must Haves
    You are NOT just window shopping
    You have confirmed that prima facie the product meets your needs
    You have a proper plan for checking specific use cases
    You have decision makers available to give time for the Trial
    You have set clear criteria on what to assess during the Trial

    If you have answered “NO” to more than 1 question above, then chances are you still are not ready for a Free Trial program.You should not go forward on this guide.

    Many times, with regards to Free Trial, since it is offered Free, the seriousness of the buyer to take time out to evaluate leaves a lot to be desired. Mostly, there is no specific plan on evaluating during the trial. Also, the decision makers do not get themselves involved. This results in the efficacy of the trial being extremely limited.

    On the other hand, if you have answered YES to more than 80% of the questions, then we are happy to take this forward. The next step is to help you with a checklist that will help you plan an effective Free Trial program.

    Best Practices for Free Trial

    Short Duration - Max 2 weeks
    Clear set criteria on assessing the software during Trial
    Assessment team with decision makers, clear roles & time commitment
    Documented use cases and user roles to be implemented
    Scoring sheet with parameters and rating scales
    Clear communication with vendor on expected support
    After trial, ask for account deletion or extension, if required
    Share feedback & next steps with vendor

    If you follow these practices, you can be rest assured that you have used the Free Trial effectively and are in a much better position to take a decision on whether the trialled product is exactly what you need.

    Take GroSum on a Test Drive