Work Can Make You Well By David Zinger

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Don’t go looking for your well-being outside of work when it is always there waiting for you right inside the very work you do. Stop trying to achieve a precarious state of work/life balance. Let work act as a mechanism to infuse greater well-being inside your life.

Video Transcript

An employee engagement work can make us well. It’s not just for the benefit of the organization or for the customers or for the shareholders or for the leaders or for the managers. Work can make you well. There are six factors that will contribute to your own well-being-

  • Positive emotions
  • Engagement
  • Relationship
  • Meaning
  • Accomplishment
  • Strengths

You can make well-being permanent by following that. Ensure that your positive emotions keep engaged, build relationships, create meaning, focus on accomplishments and leverages strengths in the service of others. Work can make us well. I am David Zinger, engage along with me. The best is yet to be.

About David Zinger

David Zinger is a global employee engagement speaker, consultant, and educator. He founded and hosts the 7500-member Employee Engagement Network. David wrote 4 books on work and over 3500 blog posts on the topic. David has devoted over 22,000 hours to engagement and believes that good work is good for everyone.

Visit David’s site: www.davidzinger.com or connect with him on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidzinger/

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