He is a regular presenter at conferences promoting the future of HR, the role of technology and the need for analytics to demonstrate tangible business value in the ever-changing digital world of work.
He is regarded as a social media guru through @HRCurator, being referenced as being one of the Most Influential People on Twitter in a number of subject areas.
What employee performance KPIs are potentially useful as inputs to HR analytics?
- Sales performance
- Levels of Productivity
- Operationally driven outcomes that relate to for example process and customer outcomes
- Customer experience-based outcomes can be a good place to start
sometimes be misleading.
How can HR Analytics enhance employee performance?
All HR analytics considerations have to start with the business problem that they are trying to resolve and obtain greater insight into. So, if for example a performance issue was being seen within a certain part of the workforce then one way to use analytics to enhance performance is to consider an outlier-based approach (i.e.: what is it that high performers do that lower performers aren’t doing?)
These approaches revolve around:
- What are the business critical roles where there are performance issues being seen? (for example, there is a 150% difference between high and low performers in a specific role).
- Collect all the available data from all the job holders in that role.
- What are the differences between the group of higher and lower performers in those roles? These can be business data, capability data, specific experiences etc.
- Quantify those differences by analyzing the data to provide insights into what are the performance differentiators in terms of inputs and outputs for these groups.
- Based on those findings report the outcomes of what is being seen.
- Devise a plan that calibrates the high-performance criteria and differentiators as the basis for future recruitment, development, performance management, and workforce planning purposes.
- Ensure that the leaders and managers responsible for those job holders change their approaches so that they reinforce these differentiating factors in all their day to day and team management efforts.
- Ensure that revised KPI’s reflect the new demands required from the job holders.
What do CEOs/CHROs look for in employee performance analytics?
I believe that they are looking for analytics to better inform decisions that relate to:
- Where should I invest the organizations’ money to obtain the best return on investment?
- What can be done to better manage and more efficiently facilitate cost management?
- Where are the opportunities to build and grow the organization through better individual and team performance?
- What can we learn from certain parts of the business where performance is at a higher level than others?
- How can we use real-time data and analytics to better facilitate and manage change processes in an organization?