Meena Kumari, VP & Global Head of HR, Hiver

Meena Kumari , VP & Global Head of HR, Hiver

Meena, Recipient of the ETHR Emerging Young Leader 2022 and honored in the HR 40 under 40, is a seasoned HR professional with over 16 years’ of rich experience working in technology companies. Her expertise lies in establishing and nurturing fully remote and globally distributed teams. Her track record is marked by successful coaching in areas such as transformational leadership, team building, and change management, with a demonstrated ability to excel in intercultural communication.

Previously, she has steered the people function at Airmeet, Circles.Life, and served as the Head HR Business Partner at Capillary Technologies, overseeing their global HR portfolio. She is also the founder of a global HR community, The HR Folks, where she invests her free time engaging with like-minded HR leaders to share knowledge, discuss trends, and inspire the HR community.

In this Interview, Meena Kumari shares her take on current and future Performance Management practices in the Software Industry:

How is the performance of employees managed in the software industry?

In the Software Industry and amidst knowledge workforce, managing employee performance is crucial for the success of the company. Employee performance is Managed by the following few methods and orchestrated through a tech driven solution:
1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Metrics:
Setting Clear Goals: Employees are set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals aligned with the company’s objectives.
Metrics Tracking: Performance metrics such as customer retention rates, user engagement, conversion rates, and churn rates are tracked regularly.
Data-Driven Evaluation: Decisions regarding performance are often data-driven, relying on analytics and user data to evaluate the impact of employees’ work on the product.
2. Regular Performance Feedback:
Continuous Feedback: Regular feedback sessions between managers and employees, often conducted quarterly or semi-annually, to discuss progress, challenges, and areas of improvement.
360-Degree Reviews: Feedback is collected not only from supervisors but also from peers and subordinates, providing a comprehensive view of an employee’s performance.
3. Employee Development:
Training and Skill Development: Continuous learning is encouraged. Companies invest in training programs and certifications to keep employees updated with the latest technologies and industry trends.
Career Path Development: Clear career progression paths are defined, giving employees a sense of purpose and direction within the company.

What tools do you use in managing the employee’s performance? Are there any challenges that you face with the tool, and what improvements would you like to see in them?

I have used tools like Darwinbox, Mesh, Xto10X, Bamboo HR, Culture Amp and and a few other emerging technologies and platforms in the HR and performance management sector. Since specific challenges and required improvements can change rapidly with updates and user feedback, I can provide some general challenges that are often faced with such tools, and potential areas for improvement based on industry trends:

Common Challenges:

1.User Adoption: One of the primary challenges is ensuring that employees and managers effectively adopt and use the tools. If the interface is complicated or the onboarding process is not smooth, user adoption can suffer.

2.Integration: Seamless integration with existing HR systems, communication tools, and other software platforms within the organization is crucial. Challenges often arise when these tools do not integrate well with others.

3.Customization: Limited customization options can hinder the tool’s ability to align with the organization’s specific needs.

4.Scalability: As businesses grow, the tool should be able to scale efficiently to accommodate a larger user base and increased data.

Potential Improvements:

Improving functionalities to ease adoption and enhance user experience is crucial for the successful implementation of performance management tools. Here are some specific improvements related to functionalities that can ease adoption, including the implementation of dashboards and integration with communication platforms like Slack:

1. Interactive Dashboards:
Real-time Data: Provide real-time updates and data visualization on the dashboard. This allows both employees and managers to instantly see their progress and performance metrics without the need to dig deep into the system.
Customizable Widgets: Allow users to customize their dashboards with widgets displaying the information most relevant to their roles. For example, a sales manager might want to see sales performance metrics prominently.
Goal Tracking: Implement a visual representation of goal progress. Graphs, charts, and progress bars can make it easy for employees to track their achievements and areas needing improvement.

2. User-Friendly Interface:
Intuitive Interface: Simplify the user interface to make it intuitive for users at all levels. Clear navigation, easy-to-understand icons, and logical workflows contribute significantly to user adoption.

3. Training and Onboarding Support:
Interactive Tutorials: Provide interactive tutorials and walkthroughs within the platform to guide new users through the essential features. Interactive tutorials can significantly enhance the onboarding experience.
On-Demand Support: Offer on-demand support resources, such as knowledge bases and chat support, to assist users in real-time. Quick access to help can resolve user queries and frustrations promptly.

What aspects of performance management do you think will improve employee participation in the performance management experience?

Improving employee participation in the performance management experience requires a holistic approach that focuses on several key aspects. When employees find value, fairness, and relevance in the performance management process, they are more likely to actively participate. Here are some aspects that can enhance employee participation:

Integration with Communication Platforms (e.g., Slack):

Automated Updates: Enable automated notifications and updates directly within Slack channels. For instance, employees could receive weekly goal progress summaries or kudos for achievements, fostering a culture of continuous feedback and recognition.
Interactive Bot Integration: Implement interactive bots that allow employees to perform basic functions within the performance management tool directly from Slack. For instance, employees could set their weekly goals or request feedback from peers through simple Slack commands.
Feedback and Recognition: Integrate features within Slack that enable employees to give instant feedback or recognition to their colleagues. This fosters a culture of continuous feedback, which is essential for employee growth and engagement.


Leaderboards and Badges: Implement gamification elements such as leaderboards and badges to recognize top performers. This not only adds a competitive element but also encourages employees to actively engage with the platform.
Challenges and Rewards: Create challenges related to goal achievements and offer small rewards or recognition for completing them. Gamified challenges can increase user engagement and motivation.

Employee Involvement in Process Design:

Participatory Approach: Involve employees in designing the performance management process. When employees have a say in how they are evaluated, they are more likely to feel ownership and engage actively.

What are the key gaps in the current software industry practices for managing employees’ performance?

With the shift in organizational culture, better communication, investment in employee development, and the adoption of modern performance management practices that emphasize continuous feedback, employee involvement, and recognition. It’s essential for companies to evolve their performance management strategies to meet the changing needs and expectations of their workforce.
We need to create a more engaging and user-friendly experience for employees and managers alike. These improvements contribute to a positive and productive performance management culture within organizations.

1. Lack of Real-time Feedback: Traditional performance reviews often happen annually or semi-annually, which means that employees may not receive timely feedback on their work. Real-time feedback is crucial for continuous improvement, especially in agile software development environments where projects progress rapidly.

2. Inadequate Recognition and Appreciation: Employees, especially developers and technical staff, often work on complex projects requiring significant effort and skill. Lack of adequate recognition and appreciation for their contributions can lead to demotivation and a sense of being undervalued.

3. Unclear Goal Alignment: Sometimes, employees might not clearly understand how their individual goals align with the company’s overall objectives. Clear alignment is essential for employees to see the purpose in their tasks, fostering a sense of belonging and motivation.

4. Insufficient Training and Development: The software industry evolves rapidly with new technologies and methodologies. Lack of continuous training and development opportunities can lead to skills gaps, hindering both individual and organizational growth.

5. Ineffective Performance Metrics: Relying on generic metrics that do not accurately represent the quality and complexity of software development work. Metrics like lines of code written or number of bugs fixed do not capture the nuances of a developer’s contribution, leading to a skewed evaluation.

6. Limited Employee Involvement: Employees are often passive recipients of performance evaluations, with limited involvement in the process. Involving employees in goal setting, self-assessment, and feedback processes can make performance management more inclusive and meaningful.

7. Inadequate Peer Feedback: Feedback often comes from top-down, primarily from managers, missing valuable insights from peers who work closely with the employee. Incorporating 360-degree feedback mechanisms, where peers, subordinates, and managers provide input, can provide a more comprehensive view of an employee’s performance.

8. Resistance to Change: Resistance from employees and managers to adopt new performance management methods and tools. Overcoming this resistance requires effective change management strategies and communication to demonstrate the benefits of new approaches.

9. Work-Life Balance Issues:
Challenge The software industry is notorious for long working hours and high-pressure deadlines.
Gap: Striking a balance between productivity and employee well-being is crucial. Burnout due to overwork can significantly impact performance and morale.

10. Diversity and Inclusion Gaps:
Challenge Lack of diversity and inclusion initiatives in some tech companies can lead to biases in performance evaluations.
Gap: Implementing diversity and inclusion policies can help ensure fair evaluations and opportunities for all employees.

What do you think the future of Performance Management will look like for the software industry?

The future of PMS in a tech driven and creative AI world is incredibly promising, with rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related fields I see massive potential and developments.AI-driven solutions will not just be tools but integral partners in shaping employee experiences and organizational success. Ethical considerations, transparency, and employee agency will be central to the adoption and acceptance of these AI-driven performance management systems. Organizations that navigate these challenges thoughtfully will create an environment where employees and AI collaborate harmoniously, driving the software industry to new heights of innovation and productivity.

The future of performance management in the software industry, driven by AI solutions, holds transformative potential. Here’s a glimpse of what it might look like:

1. AI-Driven Personalized Performance Plans:
Dynamic Goal Setting: AI algorithms will analyze individual and team data to set dynamic, achievable, and meaningful goals. These goals will be adjusted in real-time based on project needs, employee skills, and market demands.
Continuous Feedback: AI will facilitate continuous feedback loops, providing real-time insights to employees. Chatbots and AI-powered interfaces will allow instant feedback, ensuring employees are always aware of their progress.

2. Predictive Performance Analytics:
Talent Prediction: AI will analyze historical and real-time data to predict which employees are likely to excel in certain roles. This will aid in talent acquisition, ensuring the right people are hired for the right jobs.
Project Success Prediction: AI will predict project success rates based on team composition, skills, and historical project data. This can help in proactive project management and resource allocation.

3. Automated 360-Degree Feedback:
Comprehensive Feedback: AI-driven tools will gather feedback not only from supervisors and peers but also from clients, automatically synthesizing this feedback to provide a comprehensive performance overview.
Sentiment Analysis: AI will conduct sentiment analysis on feedback, identifying underlying emotions and attitudes to provide a nuanced understanding of an employee’s impact on others.

4. Skill Enhancement and Learning Pathways:
Skill Gap Identification: AI algorithms will identify skill gaps in real-time based on project requirements and employee performance. Learning pathways will be automatically suggested to bridge these gaps.
Microlearning Modules: AI will create microlearning modules tailored to individual employee needs. These modules will deliver targeted content in short, digestible formats, enhancing skills without disrupting work schedules.

5. Performance Augmentation:
AI Augmented Work: AI tools will assist employees in their tasks, providing real-time suggestions and automating repetitive tasks. This augmentation will enhance efficiency and, consequently, overall performance.
AI-Powered Code Reviews: For software developers, AI will assist in code reviews, identifying potential bugs, security vulnerabilities, and areas of optimization.