We have conducted a lot of interviews on Employee Engagement with HR thought leaders. [Click here to view]. Today we are sharing some of our favorite employee engagement quotes by HR industry leaders.
I’ve included 27 best employee engagement quotes from a range of CHROs, corporate speakers, writers, and HR consultants.
Let’s get started;
“Leaders engage their teams by giving them a sense of purpose, providing them opportunities to develop and advance, and putting them into positions where they can be successful.”
– Gordon Tredgold, CEO & Founder, Leadership Principles LLC
“Employee engagement is the degree to which an employee feels that they are truly part of a company, have a voice in its decisions and feels respected.”
– Darryl Dioso, Founder and Managing Partner, Resource Management Solutions Group
“Environments that support their employees in the right way will naturally foster employee engagement.”
– Aaron Tucker, Executive | OKR Coach| Speaker
“Engagement occurs when workers trust leaders and feel an emotional connection to the organization – the same way they did their first day on the job.”
– Jill Christensen, Employee Engagement Expert, Jill Christensen International
“Engagement is an outcome of a mutual commitment between an organization and an employee where the organization is helping the employee reach his/her potential, while the individual is helping the organization also be successful. This mutual commitment is what leads to ‘discretionary effort’ which is the magic dust that really drives business performance.”
– Bob Kelleher, President, and Founder, The Employee Engagement Group
“Employee Engagement is about the willingness of people to be responsible for more than their own job. People who are engaged go to the extra mile.”
– David Ducheyne, President, hrpro.be
“Engagement is all about the work and the benefits for both the individual and the organization.”
– David Zinger, Employee Engagement Speaker, Educator, & Consultant
“In the current volatile and uncertain environment, engaged employees are an essential component not just for success, but perhaps for survival.”
– Nigel Paine, Owner, nigelpaine.com
“Employee engagement is the extent to which your employees feel connected to and motivated by the work that they do.”
– Janine N.Truitt, Chief Innovations Officer, Talent Think Innovations, LLC
“Employee engagement is all about maximizing employee productivity by creating the right conditions to motivate employees to contribute their maximum effort, skills, and knowledge.”
– Guy Ellis, Director, Courageous Workplaces Limited
“Engagement is about an organization making an emotional connection with its’ employees so that they feel excited and interested in their work.”
– Dave Millner, Founder and Consulting Partner at HR CURATOR LTD
“Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel passionate and involved about their jobs, are committed to the role & deliverables, cultural connect with the organization and voluntarily own the overall purpose.”
– Rajesh Padmanabhan, Director & Group CHRO, Welspun Group
“Employee Engagement is often misunderstood to mean happiness or contentment but it really boils down to something more complex that all employees, managers and the c-suite care about.”
– Amber Lloyd, VP Business Development HCM, Oracle
“The key element of engagement is trust; building trust requires companies to provide workers with as much autonomy and flexibility as possible.”
– Matt Charney, Chief Content Officer at Allegis Global Solutions & Executive Editor at Recruiting Daily
“Higher engagement levels not only significantly affect employee retention, productivity, and loyalty, but are also a key link to customer satisfaction, company reputation, and overall stakeholder value.”
– Soumyasanto Sen, Co-Founder & Partner, People Conscience
“If employers truly want employees to be engaged, they need to treat their employees in a manner similar to a valued customer or prospect.”
– Jeanne Achille, Founder, and CEO, The Devon Group
“Establishing and elevating a long-term focus on the ‘experience’ of work for employees is critical to defining, designing, and delivering human-centered and high performing workplaces.”
– Ben Whitter, Founder & CEO, World Employee Experience Institute (WEEI)
“Employee engagement is a catalyst for success and sustainability that cannot be ignored.”
– Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge (IQ-EQ-SQ)
“Employee Engagement is having individuals who are eager to get up in the morning and participate in society and something that is bigger than them because they understand their role in the big picture.”
– Richard Maloney, Founder & CEO, Engage and Grow Global
“If employees feel supported, recognized, and nurtured, then they’ll want to reciprocate by becoming more deeply involved in the success of the company.”
– Gregory F Simpson, Managing Director, Agent In Engagement
“If people know their employer’s mission and the part they should play in that mission, they will be engaged.”
– Adam Gordon, Co-founder, and CEO, Candidate.ID
“There is no programme on earth that can make employees engaged if the CEO, senior executives, and culture do not support it.”
– Dr. Tasha Eurich, Principal, The Eurich Group
“Engagement is personal, relevant and timely. It’s something that’s designed by your people, for your people and should be lived and reviewed daily.”
– Ruth Dance, Managing Director, The Employee Engagement Alliance
“Communicating with employees that the workplace, the work output, the company, and their fellow employees would be worse off if they weren’t there is the single best thing we can do to drive engagement.”
– Paul Hebert, Senior Director of Solutions Architecture, Creative Group, Inc.
“The most effective employee engagement efforts in terms of outcomes are those that are tied specifically to achieving the organization’s goals and the total satisfaction of customers, whoever they might be.”
– Bruce Bolger, President, The Enterprise Engagement Alliance
“Focusing on the employee experience helps build a holistic approach to engagement.”
– Rattan Chugh, Chief People Officer, Times Internet
“Educate and reward your leaders for coaching, developing, and encouraging their employees. The better the management team, the higher your company’s employee engagement.”
– Robin Elledge, President, Janus Coaching + Consulting
If you’ve got a favorite quote that you think we’ve missed, jump into the comments below. I’d love to hear your suggestions.
Very motivational quotes.Thank you.